First, get a jump start with a Reviews Campaign

It Starts With A Friendly Email Asking For Feedback

Upload your list of email addresses and first names in bulk via CSV or Excel file or one at a time. Each person will be emailed and given the choice of 1-5 stars depending on their perceived experience.

Only 5-Star Reviewers Are Offered The Chance To Leave A Public Review

Your landing page treats 1 to 4-star reviews as customer service issues, and their feedback gets emailed only to you. Only 5-star reviewers get sent to the right place to leave their reviews.

Guide Only The Happy Customers To Leave Reviews Where It Matters

Google reviews usually have the most immediate impact for local businesses. Reviewers are sent directly to the hard-to-find Google review page and 5 stars are automatically filled in to make it easy. Also, you can send reviewers to any ecommerce or industry-specific site as needed.

Give Customers A Choice Of Which Location To Review

Do you have multiple locations? Make it easy for your customers to choose which location to give feedback on. Plus, use separate pages and widgets for each location.