6 Signs You Need Help With Your Website from Your Minneapolis Digital Marketing Company
6 Signs You Need Help With Your Website
Marketing your business online is getting more and more important every year. That is why it’s important to keep your website up to date with content and SEO practices. There are a lot of Minneapolis businesses, so it is difficult to get a high ranking on search engines. When small updates won’t cut it, that’s where marketing companies like One Wheel come in to help. You’ll know you need website people by your side if you are experiencing any of these six issues.
Your website is… not visually appealing
It isn’t just users that notice how your website looks. Search engines take notice, too! When your website isn’t nice to look at, there is a chance that users won’t stay on your website long enough to buy your products or sign up for your services. Most search engines will take note of this and rank your website lower for credibility.
Your website is difficult to navigate
Navigating your website should make sense and purposefully direct the user to the information they need or the products they want. If users have to either search for a page or click more than three times to get them where they want to go, it is frustrating for them. Search engines also track how users can get from one page to another to rank your website. The longer the path, the lower the rank.
Your website is not SEO friendly
SEO, search engine optimization, includes most of these items, but there are also things you can do on your website to increase that optimization. It helps search engines understand what you do for which people, ranking you higher based on searches that match what it finds on your website’s SEO. There are many things that we can do to boost your website’s SEO. Check out our Local SEO page to learn more.
Your website is not easy to update
Updating your website is important to showing search engines that your products or services are still relevant. If you can’t update your website easily, it will decrease your standing on search engines and become more time-consuming for you. You may need to upgrade your website to increase the capacity of your business, free up your time, and rank higher on search engines.
Your website lacks users or customers
Every market rises and falls, but sometimes, it could just be your website. A decrease in visitors usually means that you are ranking lower or your competition is ranking higher. From online ads to an SEO revamp of your website, there could be several options you will have to face. When you don’t know where to start or have the time to give, that’s when you need website people you can rely on.
Your business doesn’t have a website
If your business doesn’t have a website, you should get one! With everything online, there are customers or clients that can be reached through an online presence. It may be surprising how many you find. The start of growing your business could be creating a website with mobile capabilities and standard SEO practices.
If your website needs some help, or you just want website people to have your back, we are happy to help! At One Wheel Marketing, we know your business is important, and we want to show the value of your input to your community. Contact us to get started.