1-Day Website Build for a Minneapolis Custom Home Builders
Building a Website Home for the Home Builders
Precision Homes is home to professional home builders and designers. While they loved their old website, they wanted an upgrade. They wanted to find a way to incorporate each floor plan onto their website and have an email sign up for the people interested in their website. Another desire was to have boosted SEO for their area in hopes of reaching more people that are searching for someone to build their home. We went right to work, keeping what they loved and adding what they wanted.
What We Did:
Brought over pictures from their old website into their new one
Found great keywords to lead people to their website
Incorporated more SEO than they thought possible
Made an easy way to reach people with email marketing
Included ways for people to download floor plans for the homes they wanted
The result:
At the end of just one day, they had a website that they could call home with improved SEO and mobile capabilities.