Click “eliminate” for each new spin to try all mischievous twists on the classic party game, Bunco!
Fox die 1: the 1 is wild, and re-roll any dice again
Fox die 3: on the next person’s they get to roll any 1 die again until the end of their turn
Fox die 3: Mischief Attack! Both teams lose 3 points. Can’t go below zero.
Fox die 1: get a shield that prevents point loss for one Mischief Attack.
Fox die 1: Freeze the next person’s turn, skipping them.
Fox die 3: Freezes your turn; score no points and your turn ends
Fox die 1: Wild
Fox die 3: Any points from your turn are reversed (negative). Continue to roll to try to get some back! Total score can’t go below zero.
Fox die 1: Option to roll the fox die and any another dice again
Fox die 3: Must re-roll any scoring dice
Fox die = target number: double the points for that turn
Fox die 3: subtract 2 points at the end of your turn
Fox die 1: Good Luck – find a free point every turn until someone on the other team rolls a 1
Fox die 3: Bad luck – 1 of your points gets stolen by the other team
Fox die 1 + another die a 1: add all dice for your score and end your turn
Fox die 3 + another die a 3: zero out your turn and continue roll
See our other game: One Day Build