Create Your Business' Story

One of many wonderful things about the holidays is the stories that we tell and hear from one another. Each story is unique, and every business is unique. StoryBrand makes it easy to tell your story in a compelling way for clients or customers, and we put it into your website for the world to see.

Stories are the difference between just selling and making a connection.

StoryBrand follows a main framework that is similar to any good story. This one, however, gives a story to tell about the struggles that your clients or customers are facing and how you help them achieve their goals.

  1. The Main Character's Problem
    Your customer or client is the main character that has come across a problem. The whole story is about how the main character can solve the problem.

  2. Introduce The Guide
    The guide, you and your business, has a way for the main character to solve this problem. While you help steer people towards the goal, the customer decides their path towards the end goal.

  3. A Plan To Action
    The guide gives them a plan, they also provide the first step to get started solving this problem. In many cases, it's either to contact you or buy something you have.