How to Get more Customer Reviews in Minneapolis MN

Get More Reviews With The One Wheel Reviews Suite

Get new leads from Google Maps with the One Wheel Reviews Suite

Make It Easy For Your Happy Customers To Give You 5-Star Reviews

If you aren't assertive in asking for reviews, you're more likely to receive negative reviews. By asking and making it easy, happy customers are able to share the good word where it matters.

Intercept Unhappy Customers Before They Complain To The World

Reach dissatisfied customers before they bad-mouth your business. Plus, get another chance to win people over  by taking advantage of new customer service opportunities. 

How the One Wheel Reviews Suite Works:

Why It Works

Segment happy vs. unhappy people to draw out good reviewers & pre-empt negative reviews.

First, get a jump start with a Reviews Campaign

It Starts With A Friendly Email Asking For Feedback

Upload your list of email addresses and first names in bulk via CSV or Excel file or one at a time. Each person will be emailed and given the choice of 1-5 stars depending on their perceived experience.

Only 5-Star Reviewers Are Offered The Chance To Leave A Public Review

Your landing page treats 1 to 4-star reviews as customer service issues, and their feedback gets emailed only to you. Only 5-star reviewers get sent to the right place to leave their reviews.

Guide Only The Happy Customers To Leave Reviews Where It Matters

Google reviews usually have the most immediate impact for local businesses. Reviewers are sent directly to the hard-to-find Google review page and 5 stars are automatically filled in to make it easy. Also, you can send reviewers to any ecommerce or industry-specific site as needed.

Give Customers A Choice Of Which Location To Review

Do you have multiple locations? Make it easy for your customers to choose which location to give feedback on. Plus, use separate pages and widgets for each location.

Then, keep the reviews coming in to win the reviews race

Invite New Customers For Feedback As Fast As You Can

It's not a secret that Google gives a boost to the organization with the fastest pace of consistent 5-star reviews. Use your custom email upload page to upload new customer emails 1 at a time or in bulk each week.

Create A "Review Us" Page On Your Website

Make it easy for customers on your website to leave a review with an embedded widget for collecting reviews.

Make Every Email You Send An Opportunity For Reviewers

Extend campaigns to all customer interactions with email signature snippets and widgets.

Bonus: get extra mileage out of your new reviews tool

Automatically Share 5-Star Reviews To Social Media

Auto-share 5-star reviews, including images, to Facebook and Twitter.

Offer Coupons As A Token Of Appreciation

Coupons and tokens incentivize repeat business.

Monitor Review Sites

Monitor major, minor and industry-specific review sites for new reviews and new opportunities to thank customers and turn them into referrers.

Get Customer Service Intel

Give your team the time and intel to turn a negative customer experience around

Show Your 5-Star Reviews To Your Website Visitors

Stream your latest and greatest reviews to your website in an easily embeddable mobile-responsive widget.


Minneapolis Reviews Acquisition and Reputation Management

An Exceptional reputation is something we all strive for

However, earning and maintaining that reputation can be difficult

Many already know that reputation management holds the potential to have a major impact on a company’s success. However, it is often neglected, inefficient, or unoptimized. 

Good reputations are sometimes not appreciated until they are lost. Then begins the hard work of patching broken customer relationships.

If you don't help your customers put their positive experiences of working with your brand in writing, those feelings only assist that customer and their immediate referrals. 

One Wheel Reviews Suite exists to make it easy to grow your reputation with reviews from your real customers.

Customer reviews are a powerful aspect of business. With great reviews you have little trouble accomplishing the following:


Build trust with potential customers

Grow your customer base

Increase your visibility on all devices

Improve the morale of your company staff

Building up a positive rapport can take considerable time and effort. And when you don't have many reviews, it can only take one negative experience to destroy a company’s reputation, especially if a company is not prepared to handle the negative reviews and comments.

Wanting positive reviews can make a company desperate. However, do not fabricate reviews, even if your company does not have many reviews or you are trying to counter bad reviews. Writing fake reviews is known as astroturfing and holds the potential to be extremely damaging. Plus, it is unethical and takes away from the authenticity of your brand. Eventually the truth can come out about the reviews.

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Yes, it works

Watch the traffic increase as you get reviews.

Customers that submit reviews without request write reviews out of strong emotions: they either had an awesome experience and feel the need for everyone to know, or they had a horrible experience and need to warn the world of the company’s horrors.

Half the battle is simply getting customers with positive overall experiences with your company to actually post reviews. Most customers simply forget or find it inconvenient and therefore not worth their time. For others, the thought never even crossed their minds.

This is where we come in. We simplify the review process: we ask customers to review, give them guidance and easy instructions, and follow up to remind them to take a moment to write a positive review.

We simplify the review process: we ask customers to review, give them guidance and easy instructions, and follow up to remind them to take a moment to write a positive review.

Part of our proactive approach is making a genuine effort to make amends with customers before they leave a negative review or comment. Mistakes happen, and when people get less than our best, we want to make it up to them and get their opinions of where we went wrong.  

All reviews are centralized, connected to one location for your convenience so you don’t have to go fishing for reviews. We can even connect your reviewers to relevant review sites fitting your specific business category.

contact us for multi-location discounts and build-your-own discounts via credits pricing