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Quick and easy ways to Turn your Facebook Posts into Amazing Content on your Blog

Is the thought of writing regular blog posts more than you think your schedule can handle? You know you should blog, but you simply run out of time. Among business owners today, you're not alone.

Many of our clients can't find more time in their day to add regular blogging to their content marketing plan. Instead, we find more and more clients sticking to social media instead of blogging because it's easy to use and already at their fingertips. But is social media alone the best way to step into content marketing and attract new customers?

Why you need to blog 

Many of our clients have asked us, "If social media comes easier, can't I just keep posting to my Facebook business page instead of my blog?"  Great question and the simple answer is you need both. 

Your website is your home base and you want your potential client to read more about you than the few sentences at a time that you post to Facebook. The goal is to guide them to visit your website, read more about what makes your business unique, and at some point transition from website visitor to raving fan. When you blog, you give your website visitors a reason to keep checking your website again and again. Fresh content is king when it comes to content marketing.

Beyond the goal of getting your Facebook followers to visit your website, you'll want to own your own content. While social media gives you a more immediate response with customer interaction, your Facebook Page and Insta feeds are still owned by those companies.

You also don't own your audience. Do you have hundreds or thousands of likes on your business page? Too bad – you still have to pay Facebook to be able to reach them.

Make the primary home of your content on your website and push traffic from your social media pages to your website — not the other way around.

What if we told you writing a blog post could be easier? 

One of the best recommendations we've ever heard when it comes to content marketing is to repurpose your content. Simply explained – you take your content from something that's been easy for your to produce like your Youtube videos, videos on your Facebook, or even posts and images on Facebook, and you turn it into another kind of content that your potential customers might be interested in. 

So what kind of social media content can you turn into blog posts? We're glad you asked.  

1) Frequently Asked Questions

You know you experience this. Your clients and other visitors visit your Facebook business page. They have questions, and they post them on your page. Take those frequently asked questions and turn them into a "How to..." post. For example, if you are a heating and air company, you may get several questions on how to prepare your furnace for the long Minnesota winter. Simple turn that into 5 steps to prepare your furnace for winter. Piece of cake.  

2) Your Videos

So many of us have turned to videos to post on social media. From Facebook Live to Insta Stories, we are prepared with our camera and posting things like how to's, behind the scenes at our company, and friendly tips for your clients. 

Here at One Wheel, we give our clients access to blog post templates which walk you through creating a post from a video. Simply screenshot various sections of your video and write a how to on your subject. If your video is about how to bake a cake, simply screen shot and create a how to point for each image. Simple as an easy bake oven, right? 

3) Client Reviews and Praise

Whether you receive an actual Facebook review or have a client post praise about their great results when they used your business, consider turning that post into a client case study. The basic elements of a case study are: 

  • Explain the problem or pain point of your customer (why they hired you)

  • Describe your solution

  • Unpack the benefits or your solution

  • Showcase your results

You already have the beginnings in your client testimonial on Facebook, just fill in the gaps and you have a simple blog post ready to go. 

4) Popular Posts

The nice thing about Facebook business pages is built-in insights. With the click of a button, you can learn which posts are your more popular posts and which ones received the most interaction. Consider consolidating those posts into a top 10 list of helpful tips - just make sure it's helpful to your ideal client. Other variations of this can include top 10 quotes you repeat with your clients and post on Facebook or top statistics about your industry. For instance, if you are in the health and wellness industry, you could create a post from past Facebook posts on the top 10 ways to start eating healthy or the top 10 workout ideas as a beginner.  

5) Behind the Scenes

As business owners, we hardly ever think of this but we often post a behind the scenes picture or video on Facebook. Consider taking those back stories on how things work in your company and create a blog post. Ideas for this include images from an installation job or what happens daily to serve your customers make a blog post about your behind the scenes. 

There's no better time like the present

We know that finding the time to blog consistently can be a challenge for any busy business owner. Repurposing your current content is the easiest way to get started. So jump in and start turning your Facebook posts into blog posts your potential customers will love. 

Not sure how to get started? 

One Wheel Marketing offers content marketing coaching and packages to help you along the way.